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2019 - Year in Review

Borderless has a brand-new storage facility! After moving from place to place over the last several years, it was decided that we needed a permanent facility to store and pack donations being given to minister to the people of Honduras.

This past Spring, a 24X36, 864 square foot metal building was constructed as a permanent home for our packing and storage efforts each year. We have already begun sorting and packing for our 2020 Honduras mission.

The Brigade House is a blessing that we will be put to good use as we prepare to serve the people of Honduras each year!

On June 22-29, 2019, a team of thirty-three had the privilege of serving the people of Lepaterique! We planned and prepared as we always do. Rice donations, clothing donations, eyeglasses, and team supplies were gathered and shipped on schedule.

At a team meeting prior to our leaving Tommy, our team leader challenged us with a theme for the trip that God had laid on his heart: “God, do something we are not used to.”

Well, He did! Our cargo got hung up in customs. We did not receive it until the day before we were to fly home! Having prepared us in advance, God helped us trust and focus on Him. He provided everything we needed and we saw Him bless us and His kingdom! The items in our cargo were either used to replace what the mission provided, saved until next year, or distributed where needed.

Most important of all was that 128 people made decisions to surrender their lives to Christ and 40 people rededicated their lives to His service!

On August 10 – 17th, 2019, Badge of Faith Police Ministries led by Kevin McKenzie went on a Honduras Police Mission Trip. A team of officers from various agencies and laypeople went to serve police officers in Honduras. They did light construction and renovation of police posts, conducted demonstrations on police related topics, and. distributed donated and new police equipment. They also ministered to the officers by having Bible devotions, recreation and fellowship with the officers. If you would like to see photos, you can go to Badge of Faith’s Facebook page!

On October 6-16, 2019, a group of fourteen traveled to do maintenance and repairs at the Pu’u Kahea Conference Center (a Baptist camp) in Waianae, Oahu, Hawaii. (See We prepped and painted the exterior of the largest and grandest of the center’s buildings, the Plantation House, which was built in 1910 for the current manager of the sugar plantation. We stayed in a house on the property that had dormitory-style sleeping arrangements and a kitchen we utilized while there. After completing the project, we spent some time sightseeing.

On October 28-November 2, 2019, a small group made a second visit to Lepaterique, Honduras. Michael Carpenter, Joe Lee, Edwin Woods and Tommy Taylor from FBCOB joined Pastor Oscar Geeslin and Larry Taylor from Meadow Brook Baptist Church for this trip. They went to help this young church as a follow up to our large team trip this past June. It’s our desire to partner with this church over the next few years. This partnership will be a joint effort of Borderless, First Baptist Olive Branch, and Meadow Brook to encourage Pastor Ivan and to help The Church of the True Vine get established in Lepaterique.

Lepaterique is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains about an hour and half from the capital city of Tegucigalpa. It has an elevation of about 5,000 feet and a very cool and pleasant climate. Lepaterique, like many Central American villages, has many social issues including a large unemployment population, drug and alcohol abuse, an underfunded school system and a teen pregnancy crisis. It also has many infrastructural deficiencies such as, lack of a potable water system, a poor electrical distribution system, non-existent waste water treatment and very primitive roads.

While we were there in June many of our team members felt a true closeness to this pastor and church. While this is not unusual, we felt God was moving us to do more with this church and the village of Lepaterique. Not only did we make a connection with Pastor Ivan and church members, we also found the community leaders very open and willing to cooperate with our evangelistic efforts.

Since we were there four months ago, this church has moved from meeting in a small room in a small house to a building provided by BMDMI, the mission organization we partner with. It was erected by the members of the church. While we were there in October, we provided the funds to purchase material for a 12-foot-wide side awning to this building. This will provide them with a covered place to have Sunday School for the children. With the help of Missionary Eric Duplantis, we were also able to secure a commitment of 50 plastic chairs for the church.

In December, 2019, a generous donor provided funds to purchase a motorcycle for Pastor Ivan to use in his ministry.

We are grateful to God and for each person who ministered in any way in 2019. We anticipate many more opportunities to serve in 2020!


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